Monday, 23 January 2012

its a waiting game!

So now 17 weeks into the pregnancy and not long now till second scan. I went to see my mate stokes little boys this weekend and really puts it in your head what’s happening when you see young babies, he is a few months old and a little diamond. His cry is so sound-less and i couldn’t help but just watch him for ages, even missed the footy that was on the telly because I was trying to rock him to sleep. Had a few sleepless nights lately due to my foot causing a pain but was laying in bed the other night just making a list of stuff that’s needed. we have had a lot of help with people saying they have stuff for us to have and that’s a massive help!!  We want to buy lots of new stuff but sometimes you have to think of the pennies, things like a cot and buggy we will get ourselves because it’s always good to buy ‘new’.

  Housing is slowly but surely coming along, and also started up and savings account so now for 6 months with boring night in!! Kirsty said she felt a kick or a big movement in her belly the other day, must be a little footballer in there J we haven’t even found out the sex yet and already searching though names on the internet,  been seeing if you can’t make a silly name out of the initials like my mum did with DH..... think you know where I’m going on that one!
Missed kirstys mid-wife appointment due to work the other week but they said they heard the babies heartbeat which disappointed me as didn’t realise they was going to do that, at least the second scan is not far anyway so i can forget about missing that!

Like to congratulate Alice (who set me up blogging) on the news that she is having a little boy, she kept that quiet but now we can compare notes on how it’s going...... seems to be so many people I know having babies at the moment, all around the same time! Must be something in the air!
Nothing really else to report at the moment just hoping everything goes to plan this time, as few months before kirsty found out she was pregnant she went through a miscarriage......... was so hard as in the matter of 3 days we found out she was having a baby and then 2 days later she wasn’t. It was a very hard time for both of us and she was so brave through the whole thing, think that is why I worry so much now that she is eating right and getting enough rest..... they say men have it easy and maybe there right but it’s not as easy as you women might think! Right we might not have to deal with all the pains and aches but we worry 24/7 that everything is going to be ok just as much as you do, but it’s a guys job not to show it J
But that is the past and our little splodge is the future and I for one can’t wait.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

xmas over with!

Sorry for I have sinned it’s been over two week since my last blog J   xmas and new year out the way, and now in to the year 2012 it seems reality has hit.
Now it’s time to knuckle down and get saving!!! Kirsty is starting to get a little bump (even though she had 1 anyway) she has been hassling me to read these baby books about all these things that are happening to her body ,but every time I pick up one of them I get a rubbish drawing of a vigina looking at me, which in other circumstances wouldn’t be looked upon as a bad thing. I have started reading bits and its all is so hard to understand and not really relevant for me, maybe they should make a book telling me why my other half is eating crackers and coleslaw and telling me i do her head in and a minute later she wants ‘cuddles’ ?? .......women are puzzling at the best of times but now i know why my old man started drinking when he had kids!!! 

Since breaking my leg which weirdly lands with ‘splodge’ (our nick name for the baby) being conceived i have put on nearly 2 stone!!! Now that’s not just to do with my leg it don’t help when all kirsty wants is ‘chips and curry sauce’....’pizza’....and her favourite ‘McDonald’s’.  Right , I don’t have to eat that as well but when you can smell it I want it!! She sometimes come home with a fruit bowl which gets left on the side till its rotten she goes through fads but it’s mostly rubbish that’s eaten.  But then she goes on about how fat she is getting, well have a little person growing in you is not going to make you slim love, but the i get moaned at because apparently its ‘my fault!’ .... charming!    

I always think I should be making a list and getting everything sorted now but i don’t think you can ever be ready for a child even if it’s been planned for years. Nothing can prepare you for the life journey that lays ahead.....the scan where they can tell the sex is not long away, don’t know whether to find out or not but i think my exciting side will take over and want to know. I do secretly hope for a boy but as long as its health that will do me fine.

Well as xmas is out the way I hope to do more blogs and just really get everything off my chest. But i wish you a happy new year and hopefully it will for me, as its one of the most important years I will ever have.

Speak soon!